The Life Of A Homeless Bum

I'm homeless, it's a harsh reality for many around the world. I'm getting it easy in comparison to some but im not expecting it to be a walk in the park. Hell i might even end up sleeping there if life goes tits up anymore than it already has At 26 years of age a recent split with a woman (cause of all the universes known problems?) has forced me to go it alone. Just a few issues; I have a son, Im poor and I've been assigned temporary accommodation in a former hotel full of junkies and I have no job. Come along for the ride...

Day 1 and 2 + Night 2: Ed Sheeran, fancy building me a lego house? Prick.

Hadn't slept the night before so caught up on sleep after an appointment with a "homeless officer". These days and nights are merging together with the tiredness. After asking the officer why I have to stay in this cum stained wizards sleeve I found out that it's costing 2 quid less a night to stay in here than it would at a travel lodge! I'll take the upgrade. What confuses me here is that even though you are paying for the room you can't have visitors as you please, between 5pm and 10pm only. So when I have my 3 year old son and it's pissing down outside its tough fucking luck. Arseholes. Even once I find a new permanent residence apparently housing benefit is only £240 a month for a single person now. Most places cost around £320+. Job please! Makes zero sense for people in a genuinely shit position and not taking the benefits office for a ride. Sorted my stuff into the "hotel room", including Xbox and TV. Makes life a little easier I suppose, better than putting up with some of the cretins in here, not all are bad but seen a few "wrong 'uns". Good sleep for the fact that the curtains aren't yet installed (due anytime soon apparently). Day 2 was pretty quiet, nothing much happened except a visit from "my favourite dish", enjoyable night and certainly propped up my spirits as "the favourite dish" always does. So here I am at 4am, unable to sleep after a bang outside of my room somewhere woke me while drifting off. Gonna be a long day 3 I think!

Comments: Had a Bombay Bad Boy again, conclusion. None, still may be may or female. The powers at be obviously don't give a shit. Breakfast food here blows, cheap bread filled crappy meat products.

Negatives: Pretty much everything. The news that I can't have my son to stay over or even visit during the day is a major ball breaker. 4 stabbings in there in a week, I wonder if any were self inflicted as it sounds a good idea right now!

Positives: Dinner at Dads on day 2, little lad was there and it was good seeing him. Miss the little bugger at times, even though all he does is try to wrestle me. I accept full blame for that one. A date with my favorite dish later on day 2 was a real plus too. Smiles all round there!

                                                            Not going to be seeing as much of these kinda days :(

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